A village of literate people
Ochiai: We have already implemented each module and are now in the integration phase. The village we have created is expected to grow to about 30 people, so if we can make it practical for a village of 30 people, I think we can set a benchmark to a certain extent. We have named this "Solidity Village," and anyone who can write smart contracts is allowed to enter. We dare to set the literacy level high.
Suzuki It would be interesting to focus only on those who are literate. It was the Puritans on the Mayflower that brought about the democracy that failed in Europe. 41 Puritans signed the Mayflower Pledge, which became a social compact, and the experiment conducted in the Plymouth Colony spread throughout the United States and was rediscovered by the political philosopher [Alexis de Tocqueville. It spread throughout the United States and was rediscovered by political philosophers Alexis de Tocqueville. as a model for modern democracy. They were in a sense highly literate people, and they had to build schools, churches, and hospitals with the cooperation of a small group of people. I feel that Mr. Ochiai's efforts are also such a challenge. Then, the majority participates out of pragmatic interest because the social structure is beneficial.
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